Pitchers And Associated Notions:

Works by Stephanie Leibowitz

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

random thoughts..

I'll admit it. Sometimes I sit around, thinking of conversations where people will say something that provides me with an opportunity to say a snappy comeback, and how cutting and witty I'll deliver it, as to totally DESTROY them. I know I know, this means I'm insecure and a time waster and should be a blah blah blah....but it's fun to act out those scenarios in my head.

All I can think about today is how much I want this pair of Frye's boots and how I can't even rationalize buying them for myself. Considering I wear sneakers everyday, and have only started wearing real shoes in the past six months because I thought that I should grow up, starting from the bottom up.

Here's a picture of them, for reference:

How come some of the best songs have the most boring names and simple melodies? Unfortunately a bit obsessed with this sweet love song by the 6ths right now:

Also, it should be known that most people that work in coffee shops/cafes are the shit. And should be tipped accordingly. Also, just because I don't give you free coffee doesn't mean I don't like you.

No pictures right now being shot, but am being quite productive with updating my website. Kind of. Not today, obviously. I'm shooting more over the holidays and hopefully will be T.A.-ing next semester and can keep up a work flow. Man oh man, where does the time go? It'll almost be 2010. Whoop Whoop.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Self Portrait #12

It's All I Think About, May 2009

I've been listening to a lot of Magnetic Fields lately, reading lots of Robert Crumb comics, and am redesigning my website. I'm making christmas cards based on the large amount of decorations that I see around Bushwick that I love. In Livingston (NJ) there were decorations but they were extremely modest and WASPy, boring even. Or incredibly suburban, blow up cartoonish depictions of Santa Claus and the omnipresent Snowman. But Brooklyn does it up right and goes all out, with tons of blinking, multicolored lights, or a two toned pattern, as well as the blow up floatie doll things and those signs in the windows that shriek HAPPY HOLDAYS!!! FELIZ NAVIDAD! HEY LOOK, A MENORAH TOO! So yeah, those pictures combined with some funny anecdote will be a lovely makeshift Holiday gift. Have a good week! And, more work soon.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Self Portraits #9 &10

Like A Child/Early Morning, November 2009

inspiration: Nikki S. Lee

I've been working on some new project ideas about self portraits and identity and such. How to re interpret things that you always thought were true facts, but then to ask yourself, "what if..."and see where that leads. I've also always been into the idea of stereotypes, archetypes, and the like; and in that direction, I've been really diggin the work of Nikki S. Lee lately:

the popsicle one is my fave. Later today I'm going to post a new self portrait that I did last week. You can see more info/work by Nikki S. Lee here. I think the last thing she did was a conceptual documentary in 2006, and haven't really found much more current work of hers. If anyone knows, though, I'd love to see it.

Also, this song rules:

I'm mostly into Drake because he used to be Jimmy on Degrassi: the Next Generation, which is pretty much the best show ever.
But now he's graduated from being the coolest guy in school, wheelchair and all, to Drake, a young Canadian rapper mentored by Trey Songz and with a sweet album to boot. Check him out too!

Friday, October 23, 2009

different names for the same thing..

A triptych of sorts; "Starting at the Beginning of the Middle", July/October 2009

I swore to myself I wouldn't blog about how much I love the pumpkin donuts fall exclusive available at Dunkin Donuts nationwide so I won't. In other news, Halloween is coming up, and though I don't officially have a party or event or anything to attend, I do have a fabulous costume idea, finally, as Natasha, of Boris & Natasha, the evil spy duo from the Rocky & Bullwinkle show. It's going to be GREAT. I'd be thrilled to know your costume ideas. As always, more work soon.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Kevin, August 2009

Caroline in the Armchair, September 2009

Other than making new work, I've been asked to be part of a group show for Capricious magazine, to be held at P.P.O.W. Gallery in the Chelsea section of Manhattan, NY. I'm super excited about it! The info for the show can be seen here. If possible anyone who reads this should come to the opening reception(!) on Thursday, Oct. 29th, from 6-8 pm. The address is at 511 W25th St, Rm 301., B/T 10th and 11th Ave.
Hope to see you all there! Have a happy weekend and try to stay warm.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Hey, y'all. So I've recently had to come to terms with the facts of these economic times. Can't find a job, can't print at school everyday anymore without a steep fee, can't afford the new lens I'd like, etc. I'd list more can'ts but it's a shame to waste too much time dwelling on the negative.
So, I've been cooking. I've actually been cooking pretty things for a while, but this is the first time I thought to photograph it.

This past saturday night I made eggplant lasagna for Alec & I. We also went to the Madame Tassuad's Wax Museum a few days before that and had a killer time, clearly;

Also, this;

My Mother Thinks I'm Julia Child, Sept. 2009

I'm also starting a zine soon. Look out for highlights! As well as the forthcoming ever important title and release and all that.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

the last few weeks..

I guess I've been busy, by the look of it.

I went to a wedding ceremony held at Coney Island, as the date of a friend. His drummer, Josh Murphy (The Stalkers!) got married.

Raze, his guitarist Morrat, and his date.

Jess & Brendan at Franklin Park, Sept. 2009

Digital pictures are all I got now that I have to pay to use the school labs. I'm diggin the results though!! More soon.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tracey Baran

Recently I was told to make a list of photographers I admire in hopes of contacting them to see if they need assistants or interns. A good idea, but in making that list, I realized that the photographer I truly wanted to work with the most has passed away. Tracey Baran was and remains to be one of the best contemporary photographers, whose work is some of the most like-minded to mine since I got interested in photography at the age of 15. The images say something but let the viewer think for themselves, which is something I really respect. Her work can be seen at the Museum of Contemporary Photography. She also went to SVA (holla).

Today I'm 30, Tracy Baran, 2005

It was hard to find pictures online, but more of her work can be seen here.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friday Night, 2009

I can't sleep. This is the summer of heat driven insomnia.
I'm going for a bike ride.

Friday, August 21, 2009


The Walk Home; Franklin and Quincy, 2009

Long Hot Summer, 2009

I went to Pennsylvania for a few days and came back with a sunburn and some firecrackers.

I'm workin on finding a second job, maybe an internship. We'll see!
Hope everyone is well and beating the heat, somehow.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

some polaroids.

As of late: 

it's been a slow summer.  Trip to Memphis cancelled, replaced with a visit to my brother in Pennsylvania.  Which will still be fun...for some reason I have visions of photoraphing him and his lady in a wheat field.  And going on a day trip to Philadelphia.  Next week I plan on visiting the Bronx zoo which promises to be a lot of fun.  Also I have a job interview in an hour.  Wish me luck!!  


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

summer soundtrack

Summer Soundtrack as of August 5, 2009.

1. Sunday Morning Come Down-Johnny Cash

2. The First Day of My Life-Bright Eyes

3. Fade Into You-Mazzy Star

4. Because It's Not Love(But It's Still a Feeling)-The Pipettes

5. Let the Cool Goddess Rust Away- Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

6. You Give Me Fever-The Cramps

7. Whatever You Like-T.I.

8. Me, Myself, and I-Beyonce

9. Woodstock- Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young

10. Death Letter-Son House

11. Nobody Does It Better-Cary Simon

12. Midnight Train to Georgia- Gladys Knight & The Pips

13. Bridge over Troubled Water- Simon & Garfunkel

14. Got To Give It Up- Marvin Gaye

15. Big Poppa- Notorious B.I.G

16. Bankrobber-The Clash

17. I Idolize You-Ike & Tina Turner

18. Oops! Oh My-Tweet

19. Bonita Applebaum- A Tribe Called Quest

20. 10 Gallon Ascots- Tapes N Tapes

21. Walkin Down the Line- Sean Hayes

I wrote this short narrative last night, for use as the base of a comic that Alec's going to draw. I think I have to edit it more, but if it becomes a reality I'll be sure to post it here! Also, check out the work of Alec Lewellyn; he's this awesome cartoonist who recently collaborated for this book called Same Old Future; look at the story here: http://www.holdreset.com/future/flying_cars_1.html

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Hulk Hands in Maryland", 2009.

I used to always confuse Boo Radley with Bo Diddley as a kid.  

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I really love blues music and gospel spirituals.  These are my top three: Mississippi John Hurt, Robert Johnson, and Son House. I'm sitting here drinking whiskey and water and watching my roommate clean his records.  

                                                        "What I Leave Behind", 2008.  

                                                          "Bryn in the kitchen", 2008.  

Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow, newer things soon.  

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

You said you're gross my darling, I said no I'm rock and roll.

"Hanging out at Terry Richardson's, I felt like the token ugly girl." -Lesley Arfin

I've been having a lot of weird dreams lately, which I guess also means I haven't been sleeping that well, because I can remember my dreams.  The other night I dreamt that Lucia and I saw each other on the street and she was really mad at me for some unexplained reason, and proceeded to beat me up hardcore; I had a blackeye, a swollen face, and four of my teeth fell out. Bloody.  And for the rest of the dream I couldn't think of a reason why that would happen, I just knew I was really scared of her and didn't know how to go about dealing with her or talking it out.  
The other dream was that people kept asking me to move in with them to other seemingly better apartments, with the offers of cheaper rent, better locations, and living with my actual friends as opposed to people I've met off craigslist.  And I kept weighing the options because  I didn't want to let anyone down, but at the end of it I just really didn't want to have to move again.  

Anyway, photographs: 

Everything feels like a temporary distraction, even things I genuinely enjoy.  

I think this one's my fave.  

I've had way too much coffee today and my heart's racing.  This is a collection of stuff that I've shot since school ended a month and a half ago...I hope to do some more stuff soon and show y'all.  

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I got a new locket today from the vintage store on Dekalb and Classon!   It has a bicycle on it. And sorry that I have slim to none lighting in my room, but thems the breaks.

All dressed up and nowhere to go tonight.  Oh wait, maybe a party.  

I've been looking at these things lately and getting inspired: 

Heart City Vintage: www.heartcityvintage.blogspot.com


Oh man, this is one of my favorite 
scenes but this image looks terrible...

Mystery Train, Jim Jarmusch.

Hellen Van Meene

Via Greyhound.com, I found out that a ticket to Memphis is only $66.  Score! I think I'm going to purchase that ticket soon and take a much needed trip for a few weeks in August.  I know that the city itself is probably as empty as it seems in Mystery Train, but I love the photography in that movie, and I'm hoping I can make beautiful photographs like Jim Jarmusch.  Even without the great ensemble cast.  I was half hoping to have money for a new tattoo as a kind of graduation/birthday present, but that's not in the cards right now.  

This is what I was thinking about getting: 

Not Frida, just one of the birds. I want to incorporate it into the heart pieces, the bike chain heart on my inner arm and then the anatomical heart (inspired by Kahlo's Two Women) and the cartoon hearts above that.  Soon enough!  

Also, if someone wanted to get me a dog for my upcoming birthday, I'd love that. Just saying. Preferably a cute one that is not or will not eventually get too big and needs a good home. Pitbulls are okay, nothing bigger than that.