Pitchers And Associated Notions:

Works by Stephanie Leibowitz

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


currently there is very little work for me to do at my internship, so I've been looking up photographers and such for inpiration. Here is a list of cool things I've found:

santiago mostyn. photographer currently living in brooklyn, ny, but has traveled the u.s. extensively. new work can be seen at tinyvice.com...also he has a book out via tinyvices and you should buy it (for me).

and in a similiar vein, i've been a fan of mike brodie's work since my friend matt introduced it to me about two years ago. his website (www.ridindirtyface.com) has since disbanded, don't know why exactly, but interestingly enough the guy has a facebook fan page dedicated to him. fancy that!

also, listening to throwback music i was into in high school, such as The Detroit Cobras and X. And Lily Allen, although she's new. So female-lyricist kickass music.
Wow I'm bored. I want to go work on my THESIS!!!!

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